понедельник, 19 февраля 2018 г.

Finding the perfect art piece

Finding the perfect art piece

Finding the perfect art piece can be tricky and often takes a patient waiting game. One that I’m not great at as I’ve been known to hang things in the past just to be done with it. But since hammering holes in the walls of our house feel like a much bigger commitment than the walls of our past rentals, I’ve been taking my time to seek out the art that I’m truly in love with and has some meaning.

After more than a year-long search for the perfect piece to hang over our dining table, a girlfriend tipped me off on her husband’s work (Skye Schuchman) and in a matter of minutes of checking out his collection I knew a piece from his Dots & Lines series would be the perfect compliment to the room. I fell for its simplicity and complexity all in one. And that’s the cool part about art, when you find the piece that inspires and speaks to you!

Finding the perfect art piece
When it comes to finding the perfect art piece |

1) I’m a big fan of supporting your friends and commissioning their artwork — if you have a friend who creates cool pieces that you’re into ask them to make something special for you (guaranteed they will be thrilled!). Just give them a dimension and/or color scheme, and let them do the creative part.

2) Create something cool yourself — the best part about painting or making something yourself is that it’s the most cost friendly way to go. Plus this way you won’t feel guilty if you get tired of your creation and want to switch things up down the road.

3) Blow up your own / a friend’s photograph. I’m trying to blow up and frame more family photos, and hanging these around our house has instantly made our place feel more homey. Also with so many creative and talented photographer friends I have had a few of my favorite images of theirs framed as well.

4) Keep an eye out for inspiring art pieces while traveling. It’s always those collected pieces that have the most meaning and will forever bring back fond memories of that trip.

Finding the perfect art piece
Some cool additional graphic art prints I’ve got my eye on…

Original article and pictures take cheetahisthenewblack.com site

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