понедельник, 19 февраля 2018 г.

speaking of green. by victoria comment

speaking of green. by victoria comment
glossy green kitchen cabinets. / sfgirlbybay

we shared this fabulous green kitchen a few weeks ago, and now i just can’t stop seeing green. green kitchens appear to be all the rage, and i wondered if it might have to do with all the healthy eating so many people are adapting to their lifestyle in 2018. i mean, green kind of implies fresh and these kitchens definitely have that going on. whether they’ve got a quaint vintage vibe (a pastel green smeg refrigerator, anyone?) or more on the hip, modern side, green is looking really good in kitchens!

green and white kitchen cabinetry. / sfgirlbybay

white painted brick and green cabinets in modern kitchen. / sfgirlbybay

green and white tilework. / sfgirlbybay

dark green kitchen cabinets with black and white marble countertops. / sfgirlbybay

green and white kitchen color palette. / sfgirlbybay

modern kitchen with mixed green paint and decor. / sfgirlbybay

kitchen with white tile backsplash and mint green cabinets. / sfgirlbybay

vintage modern kitchen with green tile backsplash and black countertops. / sfgirlbybay

vintage folding mirror on wall above kitchen sink. / sfgirlbybay

mint green smeg fridge and tropical decor. / sfgirlbybay

green kitchen cabinets with marble backsplash and countertops. / sfgirlbybay

photography credits in order of appearance: odwzorowanie; cartell design; odwzorowanie; interiors yum!; oh happy day!; decor8; elle decoration; the maker place; just awkward me; decoholic; domino; design*sponge; sarah sherman samuel.

margaret kilgallen / sfgirlbybay

hey hey, happy valentine’s day! do you believe in the romance of this holiday, or is it just a scam brought to you by hallmark cards? i’m single (yet again) this year, but i think i’ll just celebrate me! i mean it’s all about the self-love these days so why not show yourself a little extra care and do something special for yourself? the possibilities are quite endless, but perhaps you need a few ideas. never fear, i’m here to help! might i suggest starting the day with breakfast in bed? well, then i do!

floral bedding for valentine's day / sfgirlbybay

valentine's day inspired imagery / sfgirlbybay

how about you treat yourself to some art? i just joined LACMA because not only do I get to soak up all kinds of artful inspiration, i figure their regular social events could be just the place to meet mister sfgirlbybay. can’t hurt, right? and i love a lazy solo day at the museum with or without hot art-loving guys. it’s good for the soul.

valentine's day trip to a museum. / sfgirlbybay

father john misty sitting on a stool holding a vase of flowers. / sfgirlbybay

make yourself a ‘mixed tape’ — or a spotify playlist if that’s your jam. i make myself all kinds of playlists on spotify — from workout music, to my DJ V mix, i love all kinds of music and i’ve got a mix for every mood. i find making these mixes quite therapeutic, too. and on spotify i’m constantly finding new musicians per their spot-on recommendations. my latest obsession? father john misty (Joshua Michael Tillman’s made-up stage name) — not only are his lyrics pithy, he’s quite an amusing real-life person, as well.

pink valentine's day inspired imagery / sfgirlbybay

play hooky. hey, i know it’s only wednesday, but c’est la vie. i think you’ve got a low-grade fever and you’re probably very contagious. so skip work. take the phone literally off the hook and treat yourself right. maybe take a day trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. sometimes i just get in the car and drive without any real destination in mind. or, i’ve got an idea of where i’d like to end up and i just meander there slowly — via the long, scenic route. i’ve taken some of my favorite photographs on trips like these. just wander. run amuck. stop by an old diner. drive down a street you’ve never driven before. drive down the block you grew up on. do what you want to do.

spend valentine's day reading in bed. / sfgirlbybay

movies made for watching on valentine's day. / sfgirlbybay

stay in bed. all damn day. you deserve a rest. you don’t have to sleep — you can watch all your favorite movies. amélie? check! eternal sunshine of the spotless mind — a thought-provoking masterpiece. wes anderson is always good for my inner child — moonrise kingdom or the royal tenenbaums for a couple of quirky little stories that are sure to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step (the soundtracks alone are worth a watch!).

pink and lavender valentine's day inspired images. / sfgirlbybay

or, stay under the covers with a good book. maybe a great book. i find literary escapes some of the best. or go totally nuts and visit your local public library — they’re so old school romantic, don’t you think? sit and read a classic, or better yet check out some love poems. take them with you and read in your favorite secret spot.

woman reading in field of pink flowers by the ocean. / sfgirlbybay

maybe this is the obvious choice but do treat yourself to a little pampering. a new lip color, maybe two! a trip to your favorite spa – nothing like it to make you feel anew. or, still feeling like hanging in your pj’s? try priv — a new app where they come to you – mani, pedis, blowouts you name it. want to try something a little daring and very valentine-ish? kristen ess has a new Rose Gold Temporary Tint for your hair. if you’ve always wanted to try pink hair — do it! i double dare you!

pink hair, lips and nails for valentine's day / sfgirlbybay

happy valentine's day / sfgirlbybay

inspiring images for valentine's day / sfgirlbybay

and lastly, “you’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth (thanks for that quote, William W. Purkey). be kind to yourself. be sure and buy yourself some fresh flowers. heck, buy yourself a whole big bush — a permanent one and plant it in your yard to remind yourself that every day you’re growing and you’re gorgeous, weird and wonderful just as you are. happy valentine’s day! xo, victoria

cat inspired funny valentine's day image. / sfgirlbybay

• photography credits in order of appearance: Margaret Kilgallen; emily blincoe; pinterest; cult of tomorrow; visage by leigh wells studio; the cool hunter; NATALIE CHRISTENSEN via cos; father john misty via GQ; agence saint germain; Mica Dieterich; you can cool my desire; bar luce; the culture creative; amélie via crome yellow; moonrise kingdom; the royal tenenbaums via minimal movie posters; eternal sunshine of the spotless mind; quotes; pengion books via bol; designlovefest; Greg Miller and young woman reading by Mark Wyse; tradesy; pink braid via etsy; j.crew; pastel hair; Coming of age by Petra Collins, by Rizzoli via milk decoration; Audrey Hepburn in the 1957 film Funny Face; alex; Jean Renaud dancing on a Paris rooftop 1950; gregory halpern; everyday is a holiday.

artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

milk decoration feature of artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

black dining room table and chairs in artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

industrial task lamp in artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

milk decoration's tour of artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

inside ceramicist Ema Pradère's workshop in paris. / sfgirlbybay

artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

ceramics by artist Ema Pradère's in her paris studio. / sfgirlbybay

blue ceramics and sketches by artist Ema Pradère's inside her paris workshop. / sfgirlbybay

artist Ema Pradère inside her ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay

outdoor area of artist Ema Pradère's ceramic studio in paris. / sfgirlbybay
• photography by billie blanket and Romain Ricard for milk decoration.

Original article and pictures take www.sfgirlbybay.com site

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